Cover sheet:
​ General Notes applicable to site/municipality
Tax Assessor Lot Information
Description of proposed work
Square Footage's (existing and proposed)
Code-related notes
Demolition: (if applicable)
Special demolition notes
Floor Plan (all of existing)
Elevation Views (if applicable)
Site Plan:
Drawn at prescribed scale
Property Lines
Complete and accurate dimensions
All buildings/structures (existing and proposed)
Public right of Ways
Utility lines and locations
Adjoining property locations and distances from property lines
Foundation or Slab Plan:
Drawn at 1/8" to 1/4" = 1'-0" scale
Complete and accurate dimensions
Foundation wall and footing sizes
Hold-Down Connectors and notes
Code-related notes
Rough-in plumbing location (not always required)
Mechanical equipment locations (if applicable)
Electrical locations (if applicable)
Sheet reference markers
Floor Plans" (All levels)
Drawn at 1/8" to 1/4" = 1'-0" scale
Door and window sizes including Egress, Tempered Glazing
Complete and accurate dimensions
Room labels and interior room sizes
Support Posts
Code-related notes
Light and Vent Calculations
Sheet reference markers
Roof Design Plan:
Drawn at 1/8" to 1/4" = 1'-0" scale
All hips, gables, ridges and valleys noted
Headers, Beams and Support Posts
Code-related notes
Notes pertaining to the structural system
Floor joist/truss sizes, spacing and, direction (if applicable)
Attic Ventilation Calculations
Sheet reference markers
Roof drains, scuppers, parapets,
Chimney locations
Connectors and notes
Drawn at 1/8" to 1/4" = 1'-0" scale
Material labels
Floor-to-floor/ceiling heights
Roof slope indicators
Door and windows including Egress, Tempered Glazing
Cross Sections:
Drawn at 1/4" = 1'-0" scale
Beam sizes, connections, and locations
Floor joist size and spacing
Roof truss/rafter sizes and spacing
Floor-to-floor heights
Non-typical plate heights indicated
Key Plan showing section location(s)
Code-related notes
Mechanical & Electrical:
Drawn at 1/8" to 1/4" = 1'-0" scale
Labels indicating Schematic Duct locations
Plans for Power & Lighting Locations
Electrical Load Calculations
Water Meter Worksheet (if applicable)
Code-related notes
Miscellaneous Notes & Details:
Miscellaneous framing details
Stairway details (if applicable)
General notes covering IRC requirements for homes
Roof – Floor Truss Layouts and Calculations
Code-related notes